Today I played at the end of an exhibit hall inside the Indianapolis Convention Center - a long large room crammed with over a hundred companies, ministries and individuals showcasing everything from Creationism tracts (displayed by a model of dinosaurs boarding the Ark), Christian Hairstylist Association memberships and church construction services to Christian formulas for getting rich (Did you know you're not really saved if you're not really rich?) and quality items like this one...

I'm sure the folks selling and wearing this shirt can still get into heaven, but their choice of rooms there is sure to be severely limited. "Right this way, Sir. You'll be spending eternity in our Banjos-Are-Forever Suite. If you need anything during your stay the guy that invented Testamints will be staying right next door in our Boy-Bands-Never-Die bungalow. Nice fellow. Great breath."
Of course this same guy is probably somewhere blogging right now, "Today a long-haired FM looking guy in need of some Testamints in a bad way came by taking pictures of our shirts. He smiled as he walked away. I think he may have gotten saved. Well it's been a long day. Thinking up new t-shirts to convict pagans really wears me out. I think I'll just take my shoes off, drink some hot tea and relax to my favorite banjo CD."
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I'm sure the folks selling and wearing this shirt can still get into heaven, but their choice of rooms there is sure to be severely limited. "Right this way, Sir. You'll be spending eternity in our Banjos-Are-Forever Suite. If you need anything during your stay the guy that invented Testamints will be staying right next door in our Boy-Bands-Never-Die bungalow. Nice fellow. Great breath."
Of course this same guy is probably somewhere blogging right now, "Today a long-haired FM looking guy in need of some Testamints in a bad way came by taking pictures of our shirts. He smiled as he walked away. I think he may have gotten saved. Well it's been a long day. Thinking up new t-shirts to convict pagans really wears me out. I think I'll just take my shoes off, drink some hot tea and relax to my favorite banjo CD."
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Shaun,- great site-- funny and deep, slinkies and "the world" (wherever that is) and now this t-shirt... i look forward to some classic reading.
It is kinda disturbing that we feel the need to comercialise everything, including God.
I'm sure the folks selling and wearing this shirt can still get into heaven, but their choice of rooms there is sure to be severely limited.
Who are you to judge?
Of course this same guy is probably somewhere blogging right now, "Today a long-haired FM looking guy .....
This sounds like gossip?
Thinking up new t-shirts to convict pagans really wears me out.
Sounds a bit like hypocorism to me Sean. No Christian that is in the public eye, should be condoning this, nor publishing it.
Who cares why some Christians (or so they call themselves) do things because they don't know better, but mocking fun at others faith is just the same sin.
It's so easy to get caught up in making fun at what you don't think is appropriate, but all sin is the same, and telling a mass group of people that you think this person will still get into heaven for this apparel thing, is a mockery. Who say's it's wrong to put get high with God? You? A Pastor? God himself? So it's not your way. Doesn't make it wrong. But you mockery of it does.
awwwe now come on guys, im a bit late on the reply, but these things arent all THAAT bad. yeah i get the cringing chills when i go to the local bookstore and see bubble gum in the shape of a cross or a nail but... these kids (and come one it is usually youth that wear these silly shirts) are experiencing that kinda on-fire-for-Jesus-get-pumped-up-and-change-the-world-thing that we all went through. i say if anyone is to blame for these modern day relics and indulgences it would be those youth speakers at those youth rallys that ask those kind of questions like "do you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know....that if you died'd go to heaven" and the kid kinda sits there and says "well...i know that i know, but i dont know that i know that i i better redicate just in case and in the mean time ill slap on this t-shirt, buy some testamints, just so everyone knows (but mainly me) knows that im goin to heaven.
Hmmm, I'm a bit disturbed by the comment that Shaun is judging these things. Shaun is right about these items being a little more than disturbing. To take something as precious as what Christ has done for us and given us in His Word, and liken it to being high, or equating it with a worldly theme is very dangerous. That is a thin line of being very flippant about precious things. And to stand up and discuss this is not gossip or judging. Christ gave us the ultimate example of standing up against evil. He cleansed the temple of the money changers didn't he? Wasn't that standing up to the "Christian" things going on in the temple? Why do you think he got so upset? Because the people were selling stuff or providing a service to people to allow them to sacrifice? NO! He was upset because the money changers were making a mockery of a sacred practice by selling junk animals and passing them off to be pure and holy. Seems a little too much of a correlation to today. Shirts made to look like worldly slogans ("Built Lord Tough" instead of Ford) are just a bit too demeaning of my Savior who shed precious sinless Blood for a worthless soul. Of course, it is good that folks are trying to get a positive message to the world, but I believe there are other ways. What speaks louder than Scripture? Is there anything else that can speak louder than God's Word itself? If someone really wants to make a statement and stand out to the world, put God's Word out there and let God speak through you.
Ok, first of all most of you should come back when you have developed a sense of humor. It is satire.
Shaun- Don't listen to these guys, they are probably all just upset because they thought Christian humor was shirts like that or Mark Lawry.
*Dueling banjos can be heard in the background.*
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