Warning to all you country music loving SHLOGGERS: This is gonna sting a little.
Check out a recent rant over at RelevantMagazine.com about country music. They even take a swing at Music City itself. Here's a taste:
"Country music used to have real men like Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Lyle Lovett and Johnny Cash. These men you would actually believe grew up in the country and worked hard for a living. In the last 10 years country music has made a joke of itself, and if I were a country music artist, I would be embarrassed to be a part of it. These new country artists live in their mansions in Nashville, have never worked a day in their lives and sing about NASCAR, watermelons and women. The songs range from cheesy to cheesier, no one bothering to attempt anything that hasn’t been done before. It’s hard to tell one song from the other. The men sing in the same “speaking more than singing” voice trying to sound like they grew up on the ranch. It truly is a sad day for country music because there is no room for innovation, and unfortunately the Redneck Comedy Tour has had a direct effect on the market all too much. Now people think it’s somehow “cool” to be a hick (which I would define as “an unintelligent man or woman with no social graces and no desire to better themselves in any way or sometimes take a shower”). "
Off course it's only fair to mention that Relevant Magazine is created and published by Floridians. Maybe the humidity has molded a few brain cells. Or maybe they're right. What do you think?
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I used to be a fan of country music, but I'm not anymore. For all the reasons listed by that excerpt.
Thank God that country music is still made by people who grew up living in the country regions...(usually in Queensland, near Tamworth, our country music capital).
i'm not a country music fan though I have a couple of Willie Nelson albums (vinyl!) and a special edition DVD box set. . AWESOME! LOVE Willie Nelson's voice. . i love his guitar sound. . I am similarly fond of Johnny Cash. . I also LOVED Marty Robbins!!! EL PASO!!!
I'm not acquainted with the 'country music lifestyle'. . cuz i don't live in America. . nor do i listen to today's country music.. but i'll tell you this. . i wouldn't buy any country music i wouldn't take one if someone paid me. . sorry.
ouch that did sting. if they think we are all rednecks up here, then they need to get out of that hurricane-infested state of theirs and come take a look. i don't think it's the humidity--they have more of what i call "hurricanitis" and are just jealous our houses aren't attempted to be knocked down by mother nature every year.
I agree with all that. I refuse to listen to any stations at all. Only listen to the old stuff, with Waylon, Willie, Johnny, Merle, George..
Those guys out there now don't care about actual music, and letting your true feelings show. It's sad. But then, isn't rap music the same thing now?
Sad, but true. And I definately identify with the offense taken at the labels "hick" and "redneck." I'm a Texan, so I hear it all the time. And to me, those labels are every bit as offensive as any other racial slur.
Gotta love how the response to someone bashing the city of Nashville (well, really the surrounding cities like Franklin and Leipers Fork as well where many country artists live) is done through ridiculing an entire state who's suffered some tough years of losses through hurricanes. Nothing like laughing at someone elses misfortune.
Let's go ahead and start making fun of all the third world countries also hit hard by hurricanes and floods as well. What fun- not.
Do I sound like sour grapes? Yes.
Am I living in Florida? Yes.
Do I wish I wasn't nowadays? Most definitely.
Would I like to live near Nashville? Yes.
Do I make fun of other places that suffer catastrophes? Nope.
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