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What do you do when you need a cover for a live album but you...

  • Don't have professionally taken high-resolution pictures from the show
  • Don't have the budget for a graphic designer
  • Don't have time to do much work on it yourself

    I called Tim Parker. I remembered the ten or so comp covers Tim designed for my Twilight CD. My favorite was this illustration in shades of orange of me on a horizon line with a sinking sun. It didn't get used. The marketing team at my former label wanted me to be more recognizable on the cover instead. I believe someone said the illustrated cover looked "indie" because indie artists often use illustration since they can't afford professional photo shoots. (Good point.)

    I asked Tim if he still had the cover I'd loved years before. He did and sent it over. (Thanks Tim) And my former label el presidente agreed to let me use the cover - a cover he paid for when Tim originally designed it mind you - for free. (Thanks Don)

    All I had to do then was add type and change it to blue - more of a night vibe I think.

    And there you go, the story of the One Night In Knoxville cover. Hope it works for you.

    (Note: If you look inside the packaging for Twilight you can spot the original orange cover hidden in the collage of photographs. Tim worked it in since we liked it so much. Rebel.)

    Blogger supersimbo said...

    looks awesome shaun

    Blogger Shaun Groves said...

    Simbo, still waiting to hear from your brother about how to contact the UCB folks for rights to the stuff they taped in Belfast. One Night In Belfast DVD???? Hmmmm

    Blogger supersimbo said...

    ok i will hassle him this evening about that!! sorry

    Blogger The BOB-O said...

    that looks sweet Shaun... i can't wait to hear the cd... how's the post production coming on it...

    Blogger Shaun Groves said...

    It's coming. I'll get the master this week. Then start manufacturing soon after.

    Blogger Seth Ward said...

    that cover kicks ass.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I like. It's good.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    thumbs up.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Blogger Nancy Tyler said...

    When you posted this on the message board it sounded like you wanted our opinions on the image, not like it was a done deal that we were supposed to slap you on the back about and say "Good job, dude." LOL


    Blogger Connor said...

    a one night in belfast dvd would be sweet, i have a coupke of photos from the show if you want them btw

    Blogger Shaun Groves said...

    It's done BUT

    Big but

    If people don't like it...well, if people hate it, or have suggestions on how to make it better I'd take those RIGHT NOW before I send it off to be mass produced.

    AT the time I posted it on the board I was less certain of it. Then, a couple hours later, I got certain enough to say "this is it."

    I move quickly, miss tyler. You must try harder to keep up ; )

    So it's pretty much a done deal. Slap me on the back and use that dude word again. It's funny when old people talk funny.


    Blogger Cristy said...

    Hey now...watch it! There are several of us "old" people here, right Nancy and Beth?

    I'm sorry to say, though, that my children would agree with you...they make fun of me when I talk like they do. Even if I'm trying to be silly. They kinda laugh AT me, not really WITH me.

    Blogger Andy said...

    dude...that looks freakin sweet. i know i'm like the eighth person to say that...but still. freakin sweet.(worth saying twice)

    Blogger Thomas said...

    Thank you Cristy for not including me in the "old" people group. LOL


    Blogger Nancy Tyler said...

    Now Groves, your mind changes faster than the prices at WalMart. I don't try to keep up, I try to wait it out. LOL

    Face it man, you're a Pied Piper; you could put out an all black album cover and fans would still love it and think it genius. (Of course if it were a PASTEL black, well then it would be genius.)

    Cristy and Kat, don't worry about the "old" comment. Shaun's jealous that I've got six or seven years on him and still have only one gray hair. While he has...let's see...nah it would take too long to count that high.

    Blogger Shaun Groves said...

    How much blacker could it be? The answer is none. None blacker.

    And ouch on the hair comment.

    Love hurts.

    Blogger Cristy said...

    Well, Nancy when, you put it that way... makes it easier to swallow. We redheads are lucky that way. ; )

    And, you're welcome Thomas, even though I know you're the same age as me. (Did you get my PM from earlier?)

    Blogger Nancy Tyler said...

    Yeah Cristy, red hair usually fades to blonde and then finally turns gray in the 70s or 80s. My redheaded mom is 77 and she's just starting to turn gray. That's justice since the red of head have to spend the first two decades of our lives being called "carrot top" by the other kids and told our hair's on fire. Ha. Ha. I got called "Carrie" a lot after the movie came out. Talk about ouch!

    As for gray hair, check out Proverbs 16:31. ;)

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is a great album cover for the live album. Too many live albums have the candid "hey look at me" picture. Or they have the "hey look at all the people that came to see me" picture. This one is very simple. It also has a cool retro look to it. It fits this album better than it would have for twilight (no offense). Was there enough good material for the "one night in Knoxville" DVD?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have a few (6 MP) shots of the cafe, stage, Knoxville, and you playing if you'd like to see them for use on the site or what not? Or just to look at and laugh- I definitely do not fit the "professional" category. Great job on the cover though.

    Ben W.

    Blogger Shaun Groves said...

    Anyone with any pics, please send them my way and we'll at the very least get them on the new site. I swear there is one. I promise. Really. It lives in Canada so we don't get to see each other very often but...

    Blogger Me said...

    Hey Shaun. I love the vibe of the new cover. Can't wait to hear the new stuff. I remember listening to the rough mixes of "eavesdrop" in your car in front of the Wade's house in Franklin. Ahhh the memories.

    I spoke with Sharon at Quest Community today. Thanks for giving her my name. Who knows what God has in store.


    Blogger Beth said...


    Cool cover, even if I am in the "old" category with Nancy and Christy. I'm proud! Just remember what your shirt says "Your Mother KNOWS I'm Cool." Just remember I introduced my kids to you, not the other way around!

    Honestly, I like the cover a lot. I'm not quite sold on the title yet, just because it sorta sounds limiting in someway. Hard to explain. Don't have any suggestions yet, but I'm still pondering.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The cover art looks great. For the title, how'bout "shaun groves: live at new city."

    Blogger Shaun Groves said...

    I didn't want to use "live" since it's in the title of way too many live albums already. I wanted to use something that could be franchised: one night in belfast, one night in texas, one night in deluth...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ooh, me thinks that franchise is already taken (shudder). To avoid the 'L' word, you could use "shaun groves: playing music publicly at new city... in Knoxville... one night."

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Still curious. Was there enough good material for the "one night in Knoxville" DVD?

    Blogger Shaun Groves said...

    I haven't even looked at it all, to be honest. I'm wearing all the label and management hats at the moment so I've had to prioritize. The DVD was a "wouldn't be great if" kind of thing. AFter the CD's done, if it does well, we'll look at making a DVD. If there's no demand for live material from me it would be a waste of my time and money. We'll just see.

    Blogger Beth said...

    I guess I don't want the title to focus on WHERE the recording took place as much as with WHO; the fans. I think something more like "Shaun Groves; one night with you" or something like that would be better. I wasn't able to make it to that night because of the distance, but I was sure there in spirit! Many dedicated fans and friends turned out there and I'm just guessing of course, but I think parts of this cd will reflect that. The title should too.


    Blogger Seth Ward said...

    Its just a good thing that the concert wasn't in Paris.


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