Here are the last 500 viewers of SHLOG.COM. Yep. Pretty American at this point. Let's spread the love a little. If you have friends in non-American places I'd sure like your help getting them to SHLOG.COM. We need a global conversation here, more than one perspective, about the important matters of music, life and um...what do we talk about here again?
Anyway, help spread the word. Please?
Hey, not to mention we definitely need more West Coast influence!! ha. A global conversation would be a treat.
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I feel like being cruel for an hour or so. So I'm gonna say No to Shaun this time. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Promise, I'll go and influence the other than USA folks on FO tomorrow or 3 hours from now though.
Okay fine Shaun you got me. My cruelty towards you can only last about 5 minutes max. Trust me I timed myself. All the FO folks who are not in the USA have been told (or those that check the boards have been told I should say).
Thanks Mustard Packet! I love to jump onto shlog bandwagon! Thanks for the link girly!
I have been secretly just reading this site since Shaun talked about it in his interview at FOL. I have to admit, it is truly a great blog with awesome interactions of intelligence! Isn't critical thinking rocks!?!( hee..hee!)Anyway...But, for right now, since I feel really lost in religious conversation because I don't have any background in religion and I feel kind of out of place here so therefore, I think I'll just read the comment written daily rather than making a total mockery out of myself! hahaha!
Hey shoe sizes 9.5! Thanks for an awesome interview at FOL. (;
9.5? were talkin about shaun right? :D
Sweet!!! I'm one of the the few west-coasters. Go us.
(SG fan since 2001)
hmm...i'm not on there :( there should be a little white dot on the east coast of australia, about halfway up!
i think im there, i can barely see. im one of the people way up on the east coast. :)
This map shows only the last 100 visits from the time I posted it.
I'm proud to say that I'm the little single white dot here in Brasil... that spot is right on Rio de Janeiro!
Well, at least I guess I'm that spot...
EL!! Muy Chica welcome aboard! Glad we could ring you into Shlog and Shaun! Enjoy reading the Sholgs and all. See you on the FO boards and all our other regular places. much much love girl!
Well, I'm a native missionary kid from India (presently in the States, though). It's always good to see diversity and good to know I'm contributing a bit :-)
hi matt...nice to see other west coasters on here. :-)
Yeah nice to see colorado !
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